Contract Management Cleaning
Consensus can perform the following management and management aspects for you during the term of the contract:
In the event of changes in an object of spaces, floor types, function and / or frequency of cleaning and / or change in the quality requirements, these changes will be adjusted in the specifications. The resulting up-to-date specifications guarantees the implementation and quality of cleaning maintenance
All data will be made available online via a web portal specially designed for the client to the client as well as to its cleaning supplier and any subcontractors.
Consensus is closely monitoring market developments and any cost increases for cleaning maintenance and other hygiene services. Any price adjustments as a result of, among other things, collective bargaining will be assessed by us and negotiated with suppliers. A permitted price change is determined on the basis of specified data. Should a price change lead to budgetary problems, consultation will take place to arrive at an acceptable solution.
Offers submitted for additional work that are not described in the specifications will be assessed on the performance, time commitment and calculation. As well as market conformity and also the "small" print is looked at so that we are not faced with unexpected surprises later.
Giving advice on additional work and other additional work.
Ensuring that the ratio between price and quality is and remains optimal and in line with the market.
Conducting consultations, taking measures and providing assistance in the event of damage, complaints, breach of contract, et cetera.
The cleaning quality of the outsourced cleaning is checked at a predetermined frequency several times a year by our trained and experienced quality inspectors. The date for the inspections is planned by Consensus in consultation with the client. The measurements will be carried out on the basis of the method used by Consensus. We can also perform checks based on the VSR method. In the event of insufficient quality (including parts), Consensus will on behalf of the client give notice of default to the contracted supplier and take follow-up steps to get the quality up to standard. Then follows a result and report with points for improvement.